Yvette Walker Howard

Profile Updated: November 1, 2012
Residing In: Memphis, TN USA
Spouse/Partner: none
Occupation: accounting
Children: 2 sons - John & Aaron
2 granddaughters - Briana & Abigail

I've lived in Lima, Peru, Mexico City, South Windsor, CT for 15 years and moved to Memphis in 2006. After working in corporate America all my life I am managing a small family landscape design company in Memphis. It's very different from living in the daily spread sheet and graph world! My preference? Corporate America any day!

School Story:

Does anyone remember Ms. White? She taught English and I will never forget my senior year when I was in her class and she called on me to read. It was one of those days where she was wearing sunglasses in the classroom. The passage was about national parks with Yosemite being named. When I saw the word I pronounced it Yose mite - long I sound. It certainly made the class laugh!

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:15 AM